If you’ve never considered careers in agriculture because you think they are available only in rural areas and farming just isn’t for you, think again.

A report issued in 2015 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that skilled agriculture-related jobs, requiring specific training and secondary education, will number almost 58,000 through 2020. These are expected to be well-paying jobs, according to the report, and are very important as the United States works to develop solutions to feed more than 9 billion people by 2050. Just five of the STEM careers in agriculture are described below that could give you what former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack described as “the satisfaction of working in a field that addresses some of the world’s most pressing challenges.”

1. Agriculture Legislative Assistant

careers in agricultureAn interest in politics can be combined with the agricultural industry in this job. The agriculture legislative assistant serves in the office of local, state or federal officials in an administrative or congressional office. Assistance is given in many areas, advising the official on topics such as energy, food, farming, environmental science, and other agricultural issues. A bachelor’s degree in political science or public relations with study in agricultural education, civics, economics, and business is the education required in this career in agriculture. The job outlook is very good and a median annual salary of $49,132 can be earned.