Job Spotlight: Gemstone Appraiser

Investors, jewelers, and insurance agencies all depend upon the gemstone appraiser to tell them just how much their prized jewel is worth. The job of gemstone appraiser is a difficult one that demands constant study and knowledge about every aspect of gemology and the jewelry market. Training and Education Required Using STEM knowledge learned in [READ MORE]

By |2018-02-20T15:30:10-05:00February 20th, 2018|Explorer, Featured, Real World, STEM - Science|0 Comments

New Collar Careers of the Future

New collar jobs offer a career without the expense of a traditional four-year college. Here's everything you need to know about new collar jobs. Until recently, there have been two dominant types of jobs: blue collar and white collar. Blue collar jobs usually require manual labor, might have hourly salaries, and typically require training in the trades, while [READ MORE]

5 Top STEM Money Careers

Think you're good with numbers, but not sure what jobs even exist for someone with a math degree? Check out our top five STEM money careers! Math is one of the most important STEM fields as it provides many of the skills necessary to be successful in science, technology, and engineering. There are tons of [READ MORE]

5 Top STEM Medicine Careers

You don't have to go to school for ten years to become a doctor to get a job in medicine. There are many medicine careers that are less well known — but no less important. Doctors and registered nurses are probably the best-known medical professionals, but there are lots of other meaningful medicine careers that can allow [READ MORE]

5 Top Careers for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs play an exciting role in the STEM world, merging creativity with business. These careers for entrepreneurs will give you the skills you need to be successful on your own. There are some traits all successful entrepreneurs share, like ingenuity, dedication, and intuition. But they never would have been successful without the opportunity to develop [READ MORE]

5 More Top STEM Tech and Computer Science Careers

If you're always the first to know about the latest tech and describe yourself as tech-savvy, you should look into a STEM tech career in computer science! Tech professionals are true out-of-the box thinkers who can spot potential problems and solutions before products are developed. They innovate to make people's lives better and to create [READ MORE]

5 Top STEM Transportation Jobs

In the late fall issue, we featured the best transportation jobs in the STEM world. Dig a little deeper into five of the top STEM jobs in this exciting field! Have you ever taken the time to think about how the things you order online get from an Amazon warehouse to your front door in [READ MORE]

Top 5 STEM Jobs in the Music Industry

If you think having a job in STEM means sitting behind a desk or being trapped in a lab, think again! There are STEM careers for every interest from film to sports to the music industry. If you dream of hanging out with rock stars and using your ear for sound in your job, there [READ MORE]

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