Top 5 College Recommendation Letter Tips

Don't settle for any letter; get the best recommendation letter for college Your grades are phenomenal. Your extracurricular activities are the stuff essays are made of. You’ve volunteered, you’ve researched, you’ve rewritten your application a zillion times. There’s just one thing left: getting that recommendation letter. A great college recommendation letter can make up for [READ MORE]

Got AP Homework? Here Are 6 Resources to Bookmark Now

You’ve been waiting to get into APs for years. But once you got that pile of summer homework, it was wayyy too easy to put it off. As summer slips away, it’s time to pry open your backpack and pull out those textbooks. With the help of these six sites, it’ll be easier than you [READ MORE]

Want to go to College for STEM?

Congratulations on selecting a STEM field for your future career. This is sure to be an exciting, challenging, and lucrative enterprise. There is a shortage of such candidates in the workforce today. President Barack Obama has pledged that the country should have one million STEM graduates in the next ten years, a lofty goal. Not [READ MORE]

Breaking Down The Faces of STEM

STEM is a small acronym, that includes every form of science, and all technology, all areas of engineering, and the infinite range of mathematics. The famous faces behind this innumerable range might remind you what makes STEM cool! Physics Firstly, Physics...which is a part of the S (Science). Physics, for STEM majors, is calculus based. [READ MORE]

By |2018-01-16T16:14:06-05:00June 9th, 2015|Featured, Senior High|0 Comments
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